Moira Glass-Mirror

A Canadian company who had been developing adverting both in house and through their respective advertising partners (newspapers and yellow pages) solicited for a polished professional design update. These inserts were printed on high gloss and inserted with newspapers in their targeted areas throughout Ontario providing an increased ROI.


EverClean Restoratioins Print AdvertisementEverclean  Restorations

A carpet and floor cleaning service providing environmentally friendly cleaning services to both residential and commercial establishments. EverClean made a number of ads for the local publications featuring their environmentally friendly cleaning solutions as well as their air quality solutions.

Originally referred to us for a yellow pages ad redesign. The original ad was designed by the in house yellow pages team, the next year Aardvarkwerx decided to update the ad for better return, including an update of the company logo and improved message.

AardvarkWerx Print Ad created by PromoSta
This advertisement was created by PromoSta to replace the yellow pages ad.
AardvarkWerx Old Advertisement
This was the advertisement created by the Yellow Pages design team